Death Is a Necessary Topic of Discussion
DEATH is a Necessary Topic of Discussion
There will be a panel discussion held on Monday, July 22, at 1PM at the Ruby Sission Library Large Meeting Room. The members of our panel will contribute information for a valuable discussion. The ultimate goal of this meeting is that each person later have a more valuable discussion with their family so that better decisions can be made openly knowing thoughts and wishes. We will have Advanced Directives available.
The panel, barring an emergency, should include the Archuleta County Coroner, a sheriff deputy, a doctor, a grief counselor, Hospice of Mercy and a representative from a local mortuary. We are also hoping that individuals attending will contribute valuable experiences and insights.
We will briefly discuss Proposition 106, called End of Life Options Act passed by Colorado voters in 2016. In 2017, 69 Colorado Residents and in 2018, 125 Colorado Residents made use of the options provided by this Act. We will not be discussing values & ethics because Colorado voters have already decided that our residents should have certain choices. We will discuss what this might mean to each of us.
A follow-up discussion will be held on Tuesday, August 6, at 1PM at the library for issues & questions that need more time.
The Pagosa Earth Community is doing this 2-part program to honor the memory of Dr. Karen Goodwin who was a founding member of the Pagosa Earth Community. People were asked to do something to make the the world a better place in her memory. We hope this will be a fitting tribute to a wonderful, talented & conscientious friend who is greatly missed.
This may seem like a morbid & unpleasant topic, but it is most often empowering to face reality. Death can have a positive impact on life . Besides, it is inevitable, so we might as well make it positive and have some control.
We also ask you to mark your calendar for a stimulating & inspiring talk by Fran Korten. She will be speaking at the Library on September 10th or 11th. Her husband, David Korten who wrote WHEN CORPORATIONS RULE THE WORLD is the reason we have a Pagosa Earth Community. They both started YES MAGAZINE which is available at the Library. Hope you will decide to come![j1]
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